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Saturday, January 2, 2010

how to promote a blog?

,Most of bloggers want to promote their blog to bring in more and more paying blog readers who will click on ads. First you think why you want to promote your blog?  Are you hoping to bring more readers to your blog simply for the satisfaction of having more people read your blog and appriciate your articles? Or are you promoting your blog because you make money on your blog? Depending on your intentions for your blog, you might promote blog sites in different ways.
promote a blog
 For instance, let we discuss how to get more and more readers on your blog who will click on your ads also. Because majority of bloggers want to earn more and more revenue from adsense blogs.

promote a blog

The most common and easiest way to promote a blog is to post frequently on blogs with similar topics. Share your thoughts on other blogs of similar topics. If you make your comments interesting, emphasizing and entertaining, other readers of these blogs will recognize the worth of your words. So that readers will intend to visit your blog. While commenting on other blogs you must include a link to your blog in your signature field. This way of promoting a blog is very simple. But this way of promoting a blog is really time consuming.
promote a blog

Use social networking to promote your blog. In social networking way and by using content sites, you can provide links to your blog more easily. You can promote your blog on all of these channels. When you write  article related to your blog topic on other blogs and sites, for instance, you can promote your blog by linking back to your blog for further information. Promote your blog in as many places as possible. By following all instructions given above, you can increase your blog readership. Hence you can increase your revenue also. happy blogging...

how to publicize a blog?

To publicise a blog is most time consuming work. The main thing is the name of your blog. Although it is not technically part of publicizing your blog yet this will make it easy for remember your blog. You must pick a catchy name for your blog. Try to pick a short name which relates directly to the subject of your blog.

Publicize your blog on social networking websites. Facebook allows you to write notes, post links and create a fan page, as well as list your blog in your "websites." Twitter helps you to find new people and make relationships with them and tell them about your blog. MySpace allows you to post bulletins and write in your blog.

Try to know who your readers are? What attracts them most in your blog?  Consider taking out ads in a related print publication (such as a trade magazine) or buying advertising on Facebook ,MySpace or other sites. Take out an ad in a local newspaper or other publication, especially if your blog is of local interest. Because many local publications are free or low-cost and are widely distributed. This will help you to increase traffic to your blog.

Digg is also a very well known social networking site, it can also help you alot to publicize your blog. On digg you can share your blog and can see other's blogs which can help you in developing your own blog. People would see your blog too for this purpose, ultimately it would help in increasing traffic on your blog.Tell more and more people about your blog. Tell them your topic and URL. Email your blog's little description and URL to all people you know.

This was all, what i think, can help you in publicizing your blog. Happy blogging...

Friday, January 1, 2010

growth of traffic to your blog

For being a succesful blogger, you must have to do alot for growth of traffic to your blog. I also had this problem, but i analyzed some important points for getting more and more traffic on my blog. Here are that points.

The growth of traffic to your blog depends on quality of content of blog. If you have an established blog with quality content then traffic to your blog will also increase. You must start to get more and more comments on your blog and try to get even some regular readers. You must try to get some traffic from search engines based on your indexed content. The traffic growth is more important than income growth. The growth of traffic can be created by continuous quality content plus the addition of quality backlinks. To get the backlinks are not the easy. Establishing relationships with other bloggers can help develop backlinks, since building a relationship with someone will make him or her aware of your existence.  Backlinks drive traffic to your blog. Through backlinks you can get regular visitors.

growth of traffic to your blog

growth of traffic to your blog

 Establishing relationship with visitors of your blog and making backlinks can get long period. It can go on for many months, even it can take almost 2 years. So dont get frustrated in this process and work consistently. Create new posts daily and stay in touch with your readers. Dont use shortcuts because Google is more smarter than you think. Work hard bloggers.
happy blogging....

Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year guys

Happy new year my friends especially bloggers...
     Today i will not give you any long suggestions about blogging.
 I just want to wish you happy new yearMay all of you get success in blogging. happy earning...

what are backlinks?

I searched for best definition of backlinks on web. A perfect definition in my opinion is as follows:
"A back link is an inward link to your site that may or may not be reciprocated with an outward link back. If page A links to page B then a back link would be a link which goes from page B back to page A".

For example, I find an interesting article on web and I want the article to be displayed on my blog hence I link the article to my blog. Now my blog acts as a back link to that article or to the URL where the article is originally located.

you can check your blog backlinks with Back link Checker tool. Back link Checker tool enables you to know the number of blogs and websites who have given a link to your website or webpage or blog. Backlinks acts as one of the key factors in determining the ranking of your website or blog. It helps you to have a track of the other websites on the web that link to your blog.


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